I wanted to give a great big thank you to all of those who were praying for the Bright Lights Conferences last week! It was amazing to see God work in the lives of so many girls (400+ made it to the first couple days) as they made life-changing commitments out of a pure desire to please God.
I really didn't take many pictures at all last week
(and I spent little to no time getting the settings right and everything... it was more like snap & run!), but I thought I'd share a few anyway.
During the conferences, various Bright Lights leaders would run on stage and do a fabulous job illustrating the topics we were covering with humorous skits. =)
Working hard behind the scenes. . .
While entering registrations I came across some familiar names. :)

During the Radiant Purity Conference I assisted Micah-Noel in leading this small group! We had some great discussions about honoring parents, making brothers and sisters best friends, being willing to stand alone in your convictions, serving the Lord in our youth, having high standards for purity and godliness, trusting the Lord, and so much more! Sadly, I forgot to get a picture of the Strong in the Lord small group - another great bunch of young ladies seeking to draw closer to God.

During one of Sarah Mally's chalk talks, several of the leaders gave testimonies on delighting in the Lord and I shared how some photography endeavors have reminded me of the Lord's desire for us to want HIM so much that we are willing to make whatever decisions or sacrifices needed to strengthen our relationship with Him. (I did have an audio file to share, but for some reason it's not wanting to behave this morning. . .)
You may want to hop over to
Grace's blog for some more pictures. :)