Scripture Memory Challenge

Are you ready for another challenge? This one starts tomorrow and will continue for the next 15 days. I have been provided with a list of 15 verses that will, if engrafted into my heart, equip me to defend myself against the devil, who would kill, steal and destroy anything in my life that is pleasing to the Lord. I want you to have these same defenses in your heart! So in an effort to make this blog as useful to you as possible, I will attempt to post one new passage of Scripture every morning for the next 15 mornings. The verses I'll be sharing will be tools to victory in my life, and I know they will be tools to victory in your life as well if you join me in the challenge!

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee."
Psalm 119:11

I have a lot of pictures from my time in Northwoods at Journey to the Heart that I want to share with you as well, so I will try to post one each morning with the verse for the day. If you want to join me in this memorizing endeavor, then:

1. Check here every morning
2. Memorize the verse before you start your day
3. Leave a comment to encourage and motivate the rest of us with your progress
4. Meditate on the verse all throughout the day

Meditating on Scripture is absolutely key to success in life;
a guaranteed approach!
(See Joshua 1:8)


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