The Eternality of Hell

Not after 100 years... not after 1,000 or even a 1,000,000 years will one who is in hell be released; No, there is no hope of salvation from hell after death.

My dad preached on the eternality of hell this past week. It is somewhat of an unusual topic to post on, but I benefited so much from his study and would like to pass some of the blessing on to your day.

Why is hell eternal? Our guilt can not be parsed over time. If we've stolen a cookie, we are no less of a thief 5 minutes after our sin than we were 30 seconds after. We are no less of a thief the next day or the next year, either. Our sin is not dissected, distributed and eliminated over the years-- Time does not erase our guilt.

But wouldn't someone learn their lesson after burn for... 3 trillion years?! Whether or not you have 'learned' your lesson is irrelevant after death. Hell is not corrective, it is purely punitive. Hell looks back on your sin and it is the punishment; It is retrospective, not prospective. Also, keep in mind that our sin against God is a much larger offense then we make it out to be. Kicking a stone is not the same as kicking your president or police officer is it? Sinning against man is one thing, but against your Creator, Savior and GOD is no small crime! We have sinned against an Eternal God, therefore our punishment must be eternal.

It is not too late. We still have the hope of salvation this very day if we only repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Since there is no hope after death, why delay your repentance and prayer for salvation from what your sin has already damned you to-- especially since you know not the day when you will come face to face with your Judge? This is no light thing. This is not to be delayed. When you die, it's over. There are no excuses, no more abundant and continuous mercies. So then, today must be the day of salvation. out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Philippians 2:12

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Acts 16:31